Monday 14 March 2011

Royal Wedding Special

Once in a generation the Big One comes around. The heir to the throne marries. CofE or atheist, Monarchist or Republican, the whole country is united.

United in being on the make.

Whether it's a chance to cash in with dodgy advertising weddings, uninformed opinions, plastic flags, shoddy crockery or a somewhat dubious short story, the call to every right-thinking English person does not go unanswered.

And while the Street of Shame keeps its pencils sharp and long lenses polished for the aftermath, only the Bishop of Willesden and I are making any predictions.

Which brings me to my little stab at self-publishing. I am posting my short story Cinderella's Wedding Night, because it seems like the right thing to do at this time. If it harks back to the fairy tale character, you may also detect resonances with the fall-out of more recent royal weddings. See for yourself!
Available at but I will attempt to post direct links here.

I would really appreciate any feedback, either on the content, the website or the published version.

1 comment:

  1. When I wrote this I wasn't even aware of the cheap tat the Middletons are peddling! I feel a sequel coming on! Tony.
